Sleepy Hollow “Pittura Infamante” — Jan. 19, 2015

Ichabod and Abbie in the Pittura Infamante episode on Sleepy HollowOkay, Sleepyheads, we’ve all had a lot to say about our show’s creative direction and are sick with worry that Sleepy Hollow won’t get renewed. (Well, maybe that’s just me.) This week I’m breaking from the usual recap format so we can discuss last night’s episode.

  • One of the elements that made Sleepy Hollow stand out in Season One was the refreshingly diverse cast. Let’s face it, Olivia Pope doesn’t see this many people of color. The first half of Season Two veered away from that but “Pittura Infamante” delivered. The Mills sisters worked together, Captain Frank Irving’s return from the dead was a major plot point and we got some much needed follow-up with the appearance of his ex, Cynthia Irving, who had been MIA during the period that he was incarcerated, institutionalized and presumed dead. We even got to see Sheriff Reyes who hasn’t gotten much airtime since taking over the police department. Not to be greedy, but isn’t it time to spring Andy Brooks from Purgatory and mention the disappearance of Luke Morales? (Did anyone question him about the death of Officer Devon Jones?)
  • The show honored its own quirky mythology with the introduction of another colonial figure, Abigail Adams, and the return of Reverend Alfred Knapp. I always get a kick out of seeing the non-nonsense reverend and I hope the show uses him more.
  • Now here’s where it gets really interesting. Abbie and Jennie were busy unraveling the Irving mystery so Ichabod and Katrina got to work alone. Katrina to put it mildly, is a polarizing figure. I’m told there are legions of fans who are swept away by the Crane love story and see great chemistry between Ichabod and Katrina. Here are my questions: Did Katrina prove herself to be a real badass? Did the Crane chemistry sizzle? In the end, Katrina’s incantation defeated the demon. Oh wait, Abbie bolted in, shot him and dropped the mic. But did Katrina redeem herself? Is it just me or does the series actively throw shade at Mrs. Crane? Upon meeting her, Sheriff Reyes remarked: “Ichabod has a wife? He never mentioned you.”

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Bios for the characters introduced tonight are coming soon.

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