6 Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce Sex Tips

The Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce ladies never go too long before getting horizontal—or vertical. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad, (Never sleep with a man who wears green socks!) but they keep plugging away at it, so to speak. Here are the sex tips gleaned from Abby McCarthy and her besties Jo, Phoebe and Delia.Abby and Will make out on Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

  1. Talk it out. During the conference in NYC, Abby McCarthy and the not-so-good Dr. Harris had a stimulating phone conversation, it was a self-stimulating phone chat if you catch my drift. He did act like a jerk the next morning but it’s admirable that he encourages Abby to take matters into her own hands.
  2. Take a trip together. Long lines at the checkpoints, excessive baggage fees and tiny seats are vexing but there are ways to make air travel more enjoyable. Abby and Dr. Harris joined the mile-high club on the return flight to Los Angeles. Or you can enjoy a ride in the car, which is what Abby did with Jake.
  3. Stand up for yourself. After Abby broke young hottie Will’s heart so she could commit to a reconciliation with Jake, Will and Abbie said goodbye on the street. Things got heated and Abby found her back up against a wall.
  4. Get cyber savvy. Jo has been finding her temporary workers, such as the one she brought to Delia’s engagement party, on Tinder. Yes, he made a spectacle of himself and the evening out was an unmitigated disaster but he wasn’t so bad for an hour or so at her apartment. Actually, her online shopping hasn’t been going that well, skip this tip. It’s an awful idea. Don’t let creepy strangers into your home.
  5. Welcome ladies and gentlemen. As we discovered in Season 1, adventurous Phoebe is bi so she casts a wide net and isn’t afraid to double up on occasion.
  6. Think about office supplies. Delia has been spending after-hours time with her boss at the law firm and is clearly interested in more than legal briefs. We haven’t seen Jo hook up with the pastry chef at her bakery, but it’s only a matter of time until she desires something hot and flaky.

Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on Bravo.