Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce: 7 Times Abby was Awful

Girflriends' Guide to Divorce - Season 2Okay, we love Abby McCarthy, but the Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce diva has been on a slippery slope this season and needs to get her act together before she alienates her friends and screws up her career—again. Here are Abby’s seven deadly sins.

  1. Abby hasn’t been showing up for friends in need. She’s been MIA during bonding sessions with her besties. Phoebe was devastated when Marco broke up with her and she needed hand-holding. Jo was confronted with the return of her ex-husband and his new wife, who usurped Jo’s mothering role and tried to take over the bakery. Delia’s life is a big mess as she contends with a wedding she isn’t enthused about and a marriage that is doomed to fail. It’s gotten so bad that when Jo had a threatening encounter with her kinky Tinder date, she went crying to Jake—Jake! Abby’s estranged husband and best friend kind of hate each other and yet Jake is the one comforting Jo. We are always Team Jo, so Abby better watch her step.
  2. When Abby does show up, it’s for the wrong people. For some reason, Abby inserted herself in the middle of Jake’s baby mama drama. When Abby and Jake split, he turned to CW show starlet Becca Riley. Becca got pregnant, presumably with Jake’s baby, but then they broke up and Jake left the country for a while. Becca is a big girl and capable of taking care of herself, but Abby moved Becca into her guest house and acted like a helicopter mom. Guess what? The baby was not sired by Jake. Congrats on your new bundle of joy, Taye Diggs!
  3. Abby’s not confiding in her friends. It makes sense that she doesn’t want the public to know that she was presenting herself as the carefree divorcée while sneaking around with her estranged husband—it’s a mixed message. There was no reason to keep her besties in the dark. She’s not obligated to tell them all the details of her life, but she’s a love life exhibitionist on Twitter, so it’s weird. Maybe she didn’t want them to tell her the truth: The reconciliation attempt was a bad idea.
  4. Abby’s biting the hand that feeds her. She was haughty with Barbara before she learned that Babs is actually her SheShe editor and extraordinarily mouthy with the book editor, Kat. Creative differences are one thing but yelling at an editor isn’t a smart move. There are way more authors and would-be celeb gurus than editors so she needs to watch her step.
  5. Abby is a mean girl. Former model Phoebe got her GED and Abby downplayed, maybe even mocked, her friend’s major accomplishment.
  6. Abby is an attention hog. She was clearly miffed when Barbara offered Phoebe an opportunity to write an article for SheShe. Why was Abby so threatened? As a graduation celebration, Phoebe got to have a prom. Abby made it all about herself.  She was even more blatant at Delia’s bachelorette party when she jumped on the stage and performed a sloppy striptease. God Abby, you even stole the male dancer’s thunder!
  7. Abby doesn’t eat cake. Despite Abby’s bad behavior, Jo brought her a birthday cake, which Abby just picked at. Yes, carbs are the enemy, but you have to give side-eye to a woman who won’t even cheat on her birthday—especially when the cake is from your best friend’s gourmet bakery.

Get it together, Abby or your Girlfriend card will be revoked.

Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce airs Sundays at 10/9c on Bravo.

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