Lady Edith holds her daughter Marigold on Downton Abbey

Downtown Abbey Scandal: Lady Edith Reported to CPS

Lady Edith Crawley’s ward, Marigold, who was briefly raised by tenant farmers, Mr. and Mrs. Drewe, until Lady Edith took the child to live at Downton Abbey was recently kidnapped by Mrs. Drewe during a livestock competition. There has always been a cloud of mystery surrounding the child whom some believe to be the love child of Lady Edith and the late Michael Gregson. Little Marigold is shaken by the recent events and sat down with TV Recappers’ Delight to discuss the kidnapping.

6 Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce Sex Tips

6 Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce Sex Tips

The Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce ladies never go too long before getting horizontal—or vertical. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad, (Never sleep with a man who wears green socks!) but they keep plugging away at it, so to speak. Here are the sex tips gleaned from Abby McCarthy and her besties Jo, Phoebe and Delia.

The Masks on The Twilight Zone

11 Life Lessons from The Twilight Zone

The anthology’s creator and dapper narrator Rod Serling was a BAMF who took a dim view of jackasses. There are 156 episodes that ran from 1959 to 1964 and most—if not all—of them warned against jackassery. Serling gave side-eye to nags, complainers, conformists, egomaniacs, bigots and being boring, overbearing or unadventurous.