FTWD Recap: “La Serpiente”

ftwd-2Walker drives the tanker, trusting Maddie’s faith in Victor. After hours of driving, the tanker is stopped by a herd of walkers. Strand impresses by throwing a beeping key fob out the window. The herd follows the new sound, clearing a path for the truck. On foot, Victor leads Maddie and Walker underground through the sewage tunnels, which wouldn’t be complete without a bloated walker. This hideous discovery is blocking their way. On hands and knees -eww- Maddie takes it in stride, and finds a gruesome way past the obstruction. She hacks away at that bloated corpse while Victor and Walker look on in disgust. And it was disgusting. The tunnel leads right to the dam entrance, where Daniel is waiting, shotgun in hand. He’s pleasantly surprised to see Maddie and hear that his Ofelia is alive and well. He’s not so glad to see La Serpiente, Victor. He doesn’t trust him, but Daniel values Victor’s resourcefulness. Maddie tells Daniel that the ranch where she lives is low on water, and that they need help. Since he is no longer “El Jefe”, Daniel brings them to Lola’s office. Maddie speaks for the group and pleads for help, offering cattle, weapons. Lola surprises her with a big fat “no”.Disappointed and confused, the three are welcomed to stay the night, but must leave in the morning. Maddie’s pretty ticked off, trying to get through to Lola any way she can. Daniel is torn; Ofelia is staying on the same thirsty ranch as Madison, but Lola needs his help taking over the dam, as he promised. He decides to keep his promise to Lola, and feels it’s best that Ofelia think he’s dead anyhow. Victor and Walker are roommates for the night. Victor is getting on Walker’s nerves with his usual quips. Walker tells him it’s not going to be so funny if they leave without water. No, Walker, it won’t. Maddie and the whole ranch will be forced out so Walker can save his tribe.

Maddie continues to try convincing Lola. She says that she knows the dam has been under attack, and they could make a mutually beneficial trade. Lola stands her ground. She’s as stubborn as Madison. Daniel speaks with Walker about Ofelia, and he’s sad to hear that she is a soldier, a hero for poisoning the guards at the ranch. Maddie and Victor have a chat. Victor asks Maddie to think about her wants and needs, never mind her kids. Maddie says that she was raised in the country and the ranch is where she feels like she’s home.

Daniel tries to convince Lola that a trade for weapons is what they need. The angry locals will only become more violent, putting her and all of the dam workers in danger. Lola stands her ground. In the morning, Daniel and Victor talk about possible solutions. Daniel warns Victor not to cross him. Walker leaves the dam on foot, angry and vengeful. He’s headed back to the ranch to begin forcing residents out. Maddie’s at a loss. It’s all slipping away. She and Victor begin their journey to the ranch. Before they leave the dam gates, one of the tankers explodes. Hmmm… Victor, was that you?? The townsfolk march toward the gate, chanting for Lola’s death. Dam workers rush to secure the fence. Now Lola’s ready to talk turkey. The weapons are certainly more appealing now. Maddie and Victor are given a full tanker as a show of faith. They plan a meeting at the trading post in five days, and Daniel makes it plain that he expects to see Ofelia there. Walker is happily surprised on the dusty road when the tanker pulls up to him. He hops in with a bemused smile. Snake or not, Victor Strand is one smooth cat.