Princess Eleanor and Jasper on The Royals on E!

The Royals: “Our Wills and Fates Do So Contrary Run” — May 17, 2015

After Liam and Ophelia leave for their new life together, Gemma slinks up to Marcus and notes that Ophelia was the girl of Marcus’s dreams. Wait, what? Did we miss something? When was that established? In any case, according to Gemma, Ophelia’s hopes of dancing for a ballet company in NY won’t be coming true. Gemma is in the art world mafia, she knows things. She also seems to believe that Marcus will have a shot once Liam inevitably tires of Ophelia. I don’t doubt this will happen.I tired of Ophelia in the first episode. But it’s not like Liam would ditch her on a six-hour flight….

The King and The Prince on The Royals

The Royals: “In My Heart There Was a Kind of Fighting” — May 10, 2015

The royal formerly known as Prince Liam handles things better. He goes to a tavern and drunkenly performs some song about how he’ll “never be king.” He’s off-key. I wish he’d gone with a song I recognize. “We’ll never be royals,” would have worked well. Liam is drinking and singing on his own. Once you stop being the prince, you immediately lose your security detail. You don’t lose Coffee Girl, though.

Claire Outlander

Outlander: “Wentworth Prison” — May 16, 2015

Jamie will do anything — and we mean anything — to protect Claire. Mrs. Fraser is no damsel in distress, she’ll do anything — and we mean anything — to be with husband. (When he gave her a chance to return to 1945, Claire wouldn’t go because Jamie is perfect.) With the help of Murtagh Fraser, Jamie’s BAMF godfather, Claire rounded up members of the MacKenzie clan to bust her husband out of notorious Wentworth Prison. This is not going to be a fun read. In fact, you really might want to stop reading here and go check out our recap archives and quizzes. If you are a glutton for punishment, grab an adult beverage because you’re going to need it.

Claire holds a gun on a redcoat on Outlander

Outlander: “The Search” — May 9, 2015

Claire took a wrong turn in 1945 and wound up in 1743 — we’ve all been there, right? Fun fact: 18th-century Scotland gives severe side-eye to an English outsider or “Sassenach.” It’s also an era where weapons training is a necessity for women. On the other hand, there’s Claire’s new husband Jamie Fraser who is made of dreamy. He was also a fugitive from the redcoats due to some trumped-up charges and has been recaptured. You know who doesn’t sit around like a damsel-in-distress? Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser, that’s who! The sassy Sassenach set out on a dangerous quest to rescue her man. Jamie’s got a no-nonsense sister, Jenny Murray, a badass godfather Murtagh Fraser. He also has his Uncle Dougal MacKenzie, kind of; Dougal’s a solid warrior, but he can be shifty.