Category Archives: OITNB

Samira Wiley as Poussey on Orange is the new Black

27 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 13: “Toast Can’t Never be Bread Again”

When the semi-Warden, Caputo, confronts Head Brute in Charge Piscatella , the CO claims that Poussey was “extremely violent” during the “insurrection.” If you are not fluent in cover-your-ass language, that translates to Poussey was “doing nothing wrong” at a “peaceful protest.” That 92-pound unarmed woman was a threat and that’s that.

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Kate Mulgrew as Red on Orange is the New Black

10 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 11: “People Persons”

Caputo correctly orders his staff to not make rash judgments and antagonize the situation, so there is to be no witch hunt until facts have been gathered. Ha-ha! Caputo still thinks he’s running things though we’ve barely seen him at work. Chief Bully in Charge Corrections Officer Piscatella gives counter orders the minute Caputo’s back is turned.

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