Sleepy Hollow: Abbie and Ichabod at baseball game

Sleepy Hollow: 7 Ways the Fandom Made Renewal Happen

Rejoice Sleepyheads, after an agonizing wait, it was announced today that Sleepy Hollow has been renewed for a third season! While obviously, many factors contribute to a network’s decision to give a struggling show another go or just a no, Sleepy Hollow’s survival was definitely helped along by a vocal, well-organized and passionate fandom.

The Royals on E!

The Royals: “Stand and Unfold Yourself” — March 15, 2015

The Royals, E!’s first original scripted series debuted last night. It’s a sexy version of the British monarchy. Let’s face it, aside from the entertaining Prince Harry, the actual royal family is dusty. The Royals presents the ideal world we’d live in with Harry running the show.

Tombstone for Sleepy Hollow's Katrina Crane

Sleepy Hollow: “Ichatrina,” Ship of Fools

Katrina served two purposes. As an unwitting time-traveler, it was vital that Ichabod have something to tie him to the past. Katrina’s other purpose was to give the leading man a heroic mission. She was simply a sought-after object like the Lost Ark, the Holy Grail, and the Ice Princess. The primary relationship was, is and always will be Ichabod and Abbie.