Ballers: “Machete Charge” — July 19, 2015
Special Contributor Ralph S. catches us up on this week’s Ballers, where Spencer and crew are still dealing with contacts, contracts and consequences from the yacht party in episode 3.
Special Contributor Ralph S. catches us up on this week’s Ballers, where Spencer and crew are still dealing with contacts, contracts and consequences from the yacht party in episode 3.
So, here’s what happened, I got lured back into watching The Bachelorette and I needed someone to discuss it with. Despite her better judgement, Geri gave in because we go way back. The caveat is that she gets to send me hostile e-mails and messages after the episode. That’s just piling on to the shame I feel, but there it is. In any case, here are stream-of-consciousness thoughts from editor-at-large, Geri.
James “Ghost” St. Patrick reconnected with his high school sweetheart Angela Valdes. They make a fetching couple and nothing stands in the way of their “happily ever after.” Well, almost nothing. Jamie is a drug distributor and Angie, who is part of a federal drug task force, has been pursuing a shadowy figure known by the street name Ghost. While Jamie eventually found out what his lover does for a living, Angie was under the impression, that Jamie is simply a nightclub owner. The fed zeroed in on Ghost’s best friend, partner, and loose canon of a dragon Tommy Egan. As part of her investigation, Angie leaned on Tommy’s sketchy girlfriend Holly, who just told Agent Valdes that the man she’s been searching for is Jamie. In other words, Power is a screwball romantic comedy.
Our Special Contributor Tracey M. tells us all about this week’s “Extant”, in which Halle Berry’s Molly really ratchets up the anger. Near misses with inbreeding aliens can do that to a person. Read Tracey’s recap and find out more.
The next episode of Power is intense. Yes, you can say that about every episode and I do say that about every episode, so maybe I need to broaden my vocabulary but let’s stay on-topic. This upcoming Hour of Power really elevates the OMG and OMFG factor.
Last week on Ballers, a trip on the high seas made for some serious scandal and more than a bit of drama. The boat’s still rockin this week says Special Contributor Ralph S., who takes the latest episode out for a spin.
Some viewers, and by that I mean editor-at-large Geri M. and myself, mock The Bachelorette, but TVRD’s special contributor Andrée H. has her own take on it. Andrée genuinely likes The Bachelorette and raises a perfectly arched eyebrow when it does meet high expectations. Seriously, though, the woman has some phenomenal eyebrows. Think Liz Taylor back in the day. In any case, Andrée recaps for the right reasons.
Editor-at-large Geri M. tried to give up The Bachelorette, she was almost out, but I pulled her back in because I needed someone who would hate-watch with me. And hate-watch she does. Geri also sends me a flurry of stream-of-consciousness commentary. I promise to never make her hate watch again. (I’m lying.)