Ichabod (Tom Mison) and Abbie (Nicole Beharie) on Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow: “Blood and Fear” — Oct. 15, 2015

At Chez Crazypants, Pandora is up to her usual monkeyshines. She talks to herself and conjures a dagger. She also tends to her mystical flowers. Sleepyheads suffer PTSD from feeble flower-magic attempts of Season 2, but none of that is Pandora’s fault. She is a swell sorceress, if Pandora wants to garden, let her garden.

American Horror Story:  “Chutes and Ladders” —  Oct. 14, 2015

American Horror Story: “Chutes and Ladders” — Oct. 14, 2015

This week, American Horror Story: Hotel amped up the creep factor. Special Contributor Tracey M. writes about the bloody twists in this week’s episode. Get your chills on in her new recap. – David F.  Screams echo through the Hotel Cortez. The remaining Swedish visitor is still in her cage, being drained of her blood…

Quinn, Olivia and Huck in Liv's living room on Scandal

13 Thoughts on Scandal: “Dog-Whistle Politics” — Oct. 15, 2015

Fitz is wringing his hands over Liv’s slut-shaming, but he’s not doing anything. I can’t ship #Olitz when he’s such a wuss. On the other hand, there’s no one else. I’m not about #Jolivia or #Ojake. Wait, do Jake and Liv have a ship hashtag? Jake’s a wuss, too. Olivia needs a real man. Charlie has a set. How about #Cholitz?