Jenny and Joe kss on Sleepy Hollow

30 Thoughts on Sleepy Hollow: “The Art of War”

Normally, I’d be swooning at the Ichabod closeup and the eyebrow porn, butI don’t want to love him right now because the camera will pull back and he’ll be with that weirdo extra who keeps trying to ship herself with him. Last week, we opened with a closeup, but it was marred by Crextra’s presence. Wait, that damn, sexy hobo is playing chess with Abbie. It’s safe to rewind.

Laz and Cookie do computer research on Empire

4 Times Empire Was Clearly Not Shot in NYC

Lots of shows aren’t filmed in the city in which they are set. Vancouver and Georgia are popular substitutes. It may not always be convincing, but Empire, which films in Chicago, may be the most egregious when it comes to not even trying to look like it’s in New York, but that’s not the only giveaway. In the latest episode, “True Love Never,” there were four glaring moments that made me wonder if the crew has ever stepped foot in Gotham.

Barbara on Gotham

Gotham: “Tonight’s the Night” — Nov. 9, 2015

Back at the precinct house the gang’s gearing up to go with Gordon and Barbara on their little getaway. It seems Barnes has recruited numerous new members of the Strike Force. I guess he’s got no choice, wearing a Strike Force vest on this show seems to have the same consequence as wearing a red shirt had on the original Star Trek.

Quantico’s Miranda Shaw

5 Theories on Quantico’s Miranda Shaw

Our guilty pleasure Quantico is a glorious combo of Homeland, Melrose Place and How to Get Away with Murder. The series is about mysterious, secretive and shady models hooking up and fighting terrorism. Their fearless leader is agent/professor Miranda Shaw, a BAMF who may be crazy. Here are some theories about the cryptic character.

Abbie and Daniel work a case in "The Red Lady From Caribee" on Sleepy Hollow

4 Fan Thoughts on Sleepy Hollow’s “This Red Lady from Caribee.”

We here at TVRD love watching Sleepy Hollow, writing about Sleepy Hollow, Tweeting about Sleepy Hollow and hearing what our fellow Sleepyheads have to say. This time around, Barbara Ruffin is weighing in on “This Red Lady from Caribee.” She has a couple of conspiracy theories that I hadn’t even considered because I was too busy focusing on Abbie’s hair and that date Crane went on with the extra.

Abbie and Daniel work a case in "The Red Lady From Caribee" on Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow: “This Red Lady From Caribee” — Nov. 5, 2015

This was a solid episode as long as you dismiss a few minutes involving an extra, who is shipping herself with Crane. We got a brief glimpse at Abbie and Daniel’s past relationship, there are huge developments on the Jenny & Joe Show and Pandora is just warming up.