The Hidden One Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow: “Novus Ordo Seclorum” — Nov. 19, 2015

Jenny Mills is a smart, brave artifact hunter, but unfortunately, she fooled around with this shard and now appears to be under the control of Pandora, a fashionable but totally crazy pants sorceress. FBI Agent Abbie Mills will not stand for this and is going to find her sister. Ichabod Crane goes wherever Abbie goes—most of the time—so it’s Team Witness to the rescue.

Caleb and Caleb's dad Quantico

Quantico: “Over” — Nov. 15, 2015

Quantico is the glorious soap about models training at the FBI Academy. In flashbacks, they flirt, fight and have sex to keep America safe. In the present, star pupil Alex Parrish is a suspected terrorist, and the subject of a manhunt. Ryan Booth, her former lover and fellow agent is helping her unravel the mystery. Someone tied to Quantico is behind it. Is one of her former classmates the guilty party guilty? Let’s go!

Sleepy Hollow: “The Art of War” — Nov. 12, 2015

Sleepy Hollow: “The Art of War” — Nov. 12, 2015

Joe and Jenny kickbox. Zach Appelman’s muscles should demand an on-set trailer. Lyndie Greenwood’s midriff hurts my feelings. Kickboxing is the new foreplay, apparently. Jenny goes into Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots mode, glows red, and her eyes glaze white. Uh-oh!