John Lowe and James March on AHS Hotel

American Horror Story: “The Ten Commandments Killer” — Dec. 2, 2015

This week on American Horror Story: Hotel, Special Contributor Tracey M. looks in on the show where we find out that John Lowe is crazy as a fox as he gets closer to finding the Ten Commandments Killer and resident addict Sally helps us understand why she needs streak-proof mascara. – David F. When we…

Naomi Campbell is back on Empire

Yay, Naomi Campbell is Back! 5 Ideas for Empire’s Camilla

Empire’s fall finale packed a couple of surprises. The empire is now more or less in the hands of Hakeem Lyon—Hakeem, of all people. Naomi Campbell is back as Camilla Marks, who has taken her bitchiness and cunning to the next level. She not only swayed Hakeem’s vote to oust Lucious, she’s in a position to pull the strings.