10 Thoughts on Empire: “Past is Prologue” — May 18, 2016
Why does Lucious wear a hat indoors? Doesn’t he know better? He probably eats with his elbows on the table and sends e-mails in ALL CAPS. Lucious needs etiquette lessons.
Why does Lucious wear a hat indoors? Doesn’t he know better? He probably eats with his elbows on the table and sends e-mails in ALL CAPS. Lucious needs etiquette lessons.
Well this season is coming to a close but, surprise surprise, things appear to be heating up in Gotham – literally, especially when plans go awry.
On Bates Motel Norman tries to bond with his mother and show her that he’s okay. Alex and Dylan become allies; Rebecca Howard gets embarrassed in front of the DEA.
On Fear The Walking Dead, Alicia’s radio pal, Jack, boards the Abigail under false pretenses; Strand becomes less of a mystery and Nick’s curiosity leads him ashore.
Empire’s Cookie Lyon has been obsessed with the American Song Awards. Her ex-husband, Lucious, and son, Jamal, were both up for “Song of the Year” and in the latest episode, “Rise by Sin,” we finally got to the ASAs but both Lyons lost. There were, however, other awards handed out.
The unholy angel of death is leaving a bloody wake in Gotham and this week he finds out who his true target is. Read more in Special Contributor Ralph S. latest recap. – David F. The net seems to be closing on Hugo Strange. Jim Gordon knows that Strange has been bringing criminals back from…
On this week’s Gotham the writers decided that after having a week off they would open up a great big can of krazy, throwing in some steroids for added spice.
On Bates Motel, Alex moves out while Norman settles in back at home. Norma tries to find a happy medium; Rebecca Howard isn’t out of the picture yet.