Gotham Recap: “Follow The White Rabbit”
This week in Gotham it’s all about choices: Both Jim Gordon and Oswald Cobblepot are confronted with choices of the heart.
This week in Gotham it’s all about choices: Both Jim Gordon and Oswald Cobblepot are confronted with choices of the heart.
The beginning of Oswald’s term as mayor of Gotham isn’t exactly smooth; Butch and Ed Nygma find that they don’t play well together.
After last week’s bombshell on Quantico that Miranda is one of the terrorists, we find out this week that her scheme isn’t going quite as planned.
Do not hold your applause for the end. Forget about saying “Bravo!” at the end. The performers love it when you jump up in the middle of an aria and holler your approval.
The madness in Gotham continues to propagate. Jim Gordon is still feeling the after-effects of his encounter with Jervis Tetch. Tetch, meanwhile, increases his efforts to get his sister Alice back. Young Bruce Wayne and Alfred go on the hunt for Bruce’s clone Five, who has developed a crush on Selina Kyle. And in a…
Straight through the looking glass emerges a new villain with whom the people of Gotham will have to contend.
Empire’s Lucious Lyon is a busy man. In an exclusive interview, Lucious Lyon’s to-do list discusses life with the Lyon patriarch.
And now we come to the reason why so far, for me, AHS season 6 has been more disturbing and at times, harder to watch than “Asylum”.