Quantico’s Miranda Shaw

5 Theories on Quantico’s Miranda Shaw

Our guilty pleasure Quantico is a glorious combo of Homeland, Melrose Place and How to Get Away with Murder. The series is about mysterious, secretive and shady models hooking up and fighting terrorism. Their fearless leader is agent/professor Miranda Shaw, a BAMF who may be crazy. Here are some theories about the cryptic character.

Shelby and Caleb look at a computer on Quantico

10 Thoughts on Quantico: “God” — Nov. 1, 2015

Quantico is a glorious cocktail. Take one part Melrose Place add one part Homeland, shake, garnish with How to Get Away with Murder and voilà — you’ve got a sexy, hilarious mystery. Hot FBI recruits flirt, scheme, hook up and keep secrets as they train to keep America safe. Months later drop-dead gorgeous Alex Parrish is accused of masterminding a terrorist attack and the most conspicuous incognito fugitive works to clear her name and figure out if one of her classmates set her up. Her hair and makeup remain on-point.

Alex Parrish and other recruits jog on Quantico

Quantico: “America” — Oct. 4, 2015

Quantico is the most glorious new show of the Fall season because Joshua Safran got a greenlight for a series about models unleashed on the FBI Academy. The creator bravely strolled into a meeting and proposed: “What if we did a Homeland meets Melrose Place show about the biggest terrorist attack since 9/11?” He was not escorted out of the room. I love this show so hard. Unlike its lead-in, Blood & Oil, Quantico commits to being a sudsy, improbable series. The actors and actresses appear to enjoy what they are doing, and it’s fun to watch. Where Blood & Oil is painfully predictable, Quantico gleefully embraces the OMG and OMFG factor.

Quantico: “Run” — Sept. 27. 2015

Quantico: “Run” — Sept. 27. 2015

Whooooooo! Quantico debuted on Sunday night. I’ve been waiting to see this show ever since the trailer was released months ago. The premise is about a group of good-looking FBI recruits, who live together and romance each other at Quantico. One of the recruits is suspected of coordinating the biggest terror attack since 9/11. The timeline alternates between the early days at the training facility and the aftermath of the attack, which will strike eight months in the future. Quantico is a cup of Homeland blended with Melrose Place and served on a bed of How to Get Away with Murder. Yes, someone said, “Hey, what if we did a sexy, soapy show about terrorism?” Works for me.