Extant: “Don’t Shoot the Messenger”  — August 26, 2015  aka “Oh no she didn’t!”

Extant: “Don’t Shoot the Messenger” — August 26, 2015 aka “Oh no she didn’t!”

So, last time out, it looked like our heroine, Molly Woods was extinct on Extant. What happened on the latest episode. Where’s this show going? Special Contributor Tracey M. leads us through the many twists and turns in her latest recap.

Fear the Walking Dead : “Pilot” — August 23, 2015

Fear the Walking Dead : “Pilot” — August 23, 2015

TVRD’s Special Contributor Tracey M. has feelings about The Walking Dead. Deep feelings. We’ll let her tell you: “I have cried, screamed, cheered and jumped out of my seat like a holy roller watching the trials and tribulations of my Walking Dead compadres. Will I be able to invest myself in this new group? ” Psst, Fear the Walking Dead writers, make sure you take Tracey M.’s feelings into consideration.

Extant: “You Say You Want an Evolution”/ “The Other” — August 5, 2015 aka “Charlie and the Humanichs Factory”

Extant: “You Say You Want an Evolution”/ “The Other” — August 5, 2015 aka “Charlie and the Humanichs Factory”

This season of Extant has been packed with surprises, says Special Contributor Tracey M. This week’s double episode amps up the action and begins to reveal new alliances among the characters.

Extant - New Frontier - Molly and JD

Extant: “The New Frontier” — July 29, 2015 aka “Baby Mama Drama!”

Special Contributor Tracey M. recaps the most recent Extant for us and shares some thoughts about Molly Woods’ ever-growing anger and alien-inspired horny fugue states. If that sounds good, read on; if you want more, see the rest of her Extant recaps. Molly is good and angry after finding Ethan’s message in the steam of…