Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Royal Wedding Recap
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have captured hearts since Harry declared his love and said: Aw hell naw, Karen.

Harry and Meghan: The Royal Library
I’m not saying that I’m obsessed with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s romance, I’m just saying the last time I was this invested in a wedding was when Mr. TV Recaps put a ring on it. For every possibly unhealthy fixation, there is a book. Here’s some bedside reading for fans of our new royal supercouple.

Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance
Life’s big events reunite friends and family, especially a happy event like a wedding. Welp, our bestie Meg is getting married next week so TVRD is back from hiatus, baby. We’re super psyched about the royal wedding because of our personal ties to the bride and groom. Elaine has watched Suits and visited Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace so that counts, right?

Empire Recap: “Sound & Fury”
Remember how Boo Boo Kitty was smashing Ming vases and whatnot because she wanted to be head of A&R? Amateur hour.

Empire’s Back for the Second Half of Season 3 and We’re Ready
Yes, lawd! Empire returns tonight with the second half of its third season. Back in December, the midseason finale ended with a bang—and for once it didn’t involve Lucious shooting someone or him getting shot. Still, Lucious tried to kill Angelo Dubois’ mayoral career—or at least leave a nasty scar. The Lyons’ eldest son,…

Snow Day Recap: Winter Storm Stella 2017
The rulers in the snow, the cruelty of warm and cozy anchors making banter with freezing reporters buffeted about by high winds and questioning their life choices. Best of all, Lou Young! TVRD loves inclement weather news.

New York Snow Day News Coverage Recap
Do you have your bread and milk? Good, sit back and enjoy the NY snow coverage–especially Lou Young and Lonnie Quinn who are rockstars.