Power Preview: “Why Her?”
The next episode of Power is intense. Yes, you can say that about every episode and I do say that about every episode, so maybe I need to broaden my vocabulary but let’s stay on-topic.

All the ladies are VIPs. Angela wants to save Jamie — or put him in prison, whichever works; Holly wants to save Tommy; Tasha wants to save Tasha (okay, she also wants to save the family and the style to which she’s become accustomed, so she wants to save Jamie, too, I guess.) Tasha’s mom, Estelle, wants to save us from more of the unsettling Tasha/Shawn sexcapdes. She apparently is not on #Team Tawn. Spoiler Alert: Team Tawn is not going away quietly, so prepare yourselves Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up.
Power airs Saturdays at 9 p.m.ET/PT on Starz. After you watch the show, come back for our recaps.