Delia checks her makeup

Who is Your Friend on Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce?

Phoebe, Abby an Delia go running on Girlfriends' Guide to DivorceGirlfriends‘ Guide to Divorce‘s Abby has so much to covet. She’s witty, talented, gorgeous, resilient and creative. Don’t even get me started on the stunning house. Of course, the show is about friends, so let’s rate her sidekicks.

Phoebe: She’s a free-spirit and devoted friend. Phoebe’s experimental and the Girlfriend most likely to invite you to a swingers’ party. You wouldn’t call on her to babysit because she’s a bit of a ditz and might misplace the kids. She’s accepting and won’t judge you if you have a fling with Will, go down memory lane with Jake, pay Victor Webster to spend the night listening to you or have apocalyptic sex with Nate. Well, she might judge the last one, but only because she cares.

Delia: She’s a brainy, driven divorce attorney. She’s got your back and can make sure you get a generous settlement. Delia’s up for a raucous girls’ weekend and can help you in a pinch (like if you’re looking for an autographed poster of a CW star to hoodwink your daughter). You can decide if her pushing you to get a bikini wax is a plus or a minus.

Lyla: She’s devoted and will come running over to hold your hand on a bad day. She always takes your side. She has anger-management issues and can get into squabbles with your other friends. You love her anyway, but not the way she runs off to start a new life without giving you a chance to say a proper goodbye.

Ford gives a speech on Girlfirends' Guide to DivorceFord: He’s intelligent, stylish, entertaining and will liven things up by being dramatic as hell. He’s spontaneous and can deliver an eloquent off-the-cuff speech that will go over way better than your own disastrous attempts at improvisation. He’s loyal, in his way, but if invited to party with a CW star, you’re on your own.

Jo: Sometimes it’s about history. Jo is that friend you’ve known forever and can reminisce with about the old days. She’s amusing and supportive. She’s also profane, messy and thinks it’s acceptable to have sex with a disgusting guy on your couch. Um, why are you friends with her again?

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