5 Theories on Quantico’s Miranda Shaw

Our guilty pleasure Quantico is a glorious combo of Homeland, Melrose Place and How to Get Away with Murder. The series is about mysterious, secretive and shady models hooking up and fighting terrorism. Their fearless leader is agent/professor Miranda Shaw, a BAMF who may be crazy. Here are some theories about the cryptic character, played wonderfully by the lovely Aunjanue Ellis.
1. Miranda is Regina George. Miranda can be a Mean Girl. In one test, she instructed the classmates to profile each other and then she publicly revealed the cattiest observations. Miranda compiled a burn book.
2. Miranda is Jigsaw. Some of Miranda’s orders involve throwing someone under the bus. The recruits were commanded to submit the names of their weakest peers for expulsion—or else Miranda would eliminate even more trainees. Everyone but Simon stuck together and rejected the assignment. Miranda rebuked him for following instructions. We were astonished when we Saw what she did.
3. Miranda is Seneca Crane. Her latest maneuver was locking an entire class of trainees in a room with a realistic-looking “bomb.” Some of the recruits like Alex, Simon, Shelby, Vasquez, Ryan and even screw-up Caleb were willing to sacrifice their lives to save their classmates. Once the door opened, Elias opted for flight over fight. Of course, it was another one of Miranda’s head games and Elias got booted from the Academy. When you’re in Miranda’s class you’ve got to hope the odds are ever in your favor.

4. Miranda is Annalise Keating. She has unconventional classroom techniques and weird relationships with the trainees. It isn’t clear why she orchestrated a scheme with the twins pretending to be one recruit. When she is in maternal mode, she pulls off wild gambits such as commandeering a van to help suspected terrorist Alex clear her name. Miranda showed Alex How to Get Away…
5. Miranda is Lucy van Pelt. She repeatedly tricks her class and they always fall for it. Alex is on to Miranda, but just about everyone else thought it was feasible that the Academy had no emergency system in place to rescue them from a bomb. Either Miranda is a master of deception, or the recruits are blockheads.
Quantico airs at 10/9c Sundays on ABC