6 Questions for the Empire Ladies
As always there was a lot of action on last night’s episode of Empire, “Poor Yorick.” The women were mystifying. Let’s go!
- Cookie: Why was Lady Lyon wearing that Rosie the Riveter scarf? Cookie probably doesn’t need to do her own housework. Bonus points for insulting prosecutor Roxanne Ford’s hair weave while she herself was wearing that wig with the iffy bangs. Additional bonus points for shading Roxanne while in police custody.
Photo courtesy of Fox - Porsha: Why is she jumping turnstiles? She has an income. If Porsha can afford her elaborate hairstyles and manicures, she can pay the subway fare. Bonus points for an economical mode of transport, though. We adore Porsha, please don’t fire her, Cookie!
Photo courtesy of Fox - Anika: Why is she so insistent about partnering with Cookie? Anika has a lot of experience, she could probably do better than the start-up Lyon Dynasty label. She keeps crawling back for more pain. Maybe she’s into S&M. We don’t judge.
Photo courtesy of Fox - Roxeanne: What is up with the aggressive push-up bra? We will now call her “Boob Boob Kitty.” Does she use them as interrogation device to smack suspects around?
Photo courtesy of Fox - Mimi Whiteman: What is the matter with you? Girl, stop. You have no reason to say things like “Playa.” Also, Cookie is the only one allowed to dress crazy. Go back to the country club.
Photo courtesy of Fox - Rhonda: Are you in the mob? You bludgeoned Vernon with a candlestick, buried him in the woods and then helped dig up the body. Bonus points: You engaged in all of this criminal activity while pregnant. Slow clap.
Photo courtesy of Fox For the full recap of “Poor Yorick” see my story at The Root.
Empire airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Fox