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  1. Like most, I love John Noble. He was so great as the introverted sin eater. I would’ve preferred they left him in that capacity and revealed the utterly painful KATRINA to be the big bad at the end of season ONE. She was fresh out of purgatory after hundreds of years, so it made perfect sense. Witch or not, there’s no way that place didn’t affect her when it nearly took down Crane and Abbie in mere minutes. No way. So instead of asking how Katrina’s evil side suddenly appeared out of “nowhere” people should be asking why it didn’t appear SOONER. Instead the writers wasted the perfect opportunity to make Katrina relevantly bad. They were forced to kill her off, but she likely could have stayed on in a SUPPORTING capacity as the witch on the side of whoever the next big bad was. I’m not a fan of Katrina, but I think a witch is important to the show; I hope a new one comes along soon.

    Ugh, so disappointed that just when things were great again, the season ends. So much could’ve been done, but instead we were subjected to Crane Family Drama and Katrina uselessly mulling about in a used corset for much of the season. I’m a fan of the genre, so I still enjoyed most of it. Honestly, even during the worst episodes there are hidden gems. I think Deliverance is the most hated episode and even that features a poignant, yet hilarious, Ichabbie voting opening scene. The course is corrected, and I hope there is much more to come! No cliffhanger is only because they aren’t sure about a renewal. Goffman sure sounds confident it’s coming back, though, doesn’t he? I truly hope it’s true…But it was a tidy ending nonetheless and relatively sad with the feeling of finality so prevalent in the final scene between Abbie and Crane.

    1. Thanks for writing, Melissa. I think Katrina could have made a splendid Big Bad. The time to do it was probably at the end of the S1 finale. I can see Henry welcoming his mom and then tossing Ichabod in the grave. Or they could have played it so that the audience knew she was evil for most of the season and then let Ichabod find out as he did. I would have found it less frustrating to know that she had a plan and was playing the Witnesses. The mystical pregnancy in “Deliverance” was a low point. Mr. TV Recaps thinks the show is going to be renewed and TPTB are just dragging it out to get us whipped up when it returns. Mr. TV Recaps is probably also tired of hearing me obsess over this. 🙂

  2. I’ve only just found this “review” and although it made me laugh, I think the obvious “shipper” influence makes this thing null and void. The reviewer also forgot to mention the petition launched by shippers to force a pairing between the white male lead and the black lead. I’ve seen enough tweeter and petitions to know that threats and racism on the side of the black females played a huge role in the way the treatment this character received. Read this with a HUGE grain of salt balanced squarely on the writer’s shoulder and the PC pandering done in this series not in an attempt to tell a good story, but to soothe the ruffled feathers of a SJW fandom fighting for ownership.

    1. Hi Cindy. “Thank you” for “commenting” on this “review.” Ships ahoy!

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