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  1. Love the overview of the SEASON finale. Lol let’s be honest here. There are 3 things you can blame on “struggle witch” aka Katrina. The show runner Mark Goffman’s over excitement of getting Katrina to be a regular member, the sleepy hollow writers that sidelined Abbie and Jenny for Katrina, and Katia Winter’s portrayal of Katrina. Let’s talk about Katia. We all don’t want to hurt feelings but I was looking forward to season 2 because I thought Katrina was going to eventually be a a sidekick of Moloch or she was in it for her own agenda.

    You threw a scandal reference up there. I am going to throw one at you now. Katia Winter and the sleepy writers should have looked at Cyrus Bean and Mellie Grant as inspirations on how to be badass villain or a badass covert villain. We all thought Katrina was kind of shifty. That look she gave Abbie and Crane in the season 1 finale, should have been a sign that she was having a problem. Instead, we got a whispering non powerful witch, he just looked stunned at everything wearing a dirty corset.

    Yes, there are other problems. Like the lack of diversity of season, the strange no coffee date that didn’t happen between Mills and Morales. The death or life of Det. Morales. Where does Jenny actually live? why was Hawley brought in with no purpose but could have had a good purpose. Why was Moloch such a punk? He just became less scary as time moved on. Kindred, library being blown up. So much more. I love the show….Mison and Behire have tv chemistry gold and fox would dumb not to take advantage. I’m hoping for a season 3 but I need everyone to take the fall of why the ” Abbie the American dream” and the original Prince Charming Ichabod Crane didn’t have better writers.

    1. Preach! Thank you for writing. God bless Benjamin Franklin. Last night’s finale gives me hope that with a third season we’ll get a reboot.

  2. Loved your recap and really enjoyed the episode!

    I’m ready for a Season 3 and hope the Show recognizes what worked in S1 but also is ready to take their game up a notch–expand the world of SH a bit (not regular cast members, but make Sleepy Hollow seem a bit more real and perhaps move out of the town on occasion), come up with a compelling MythArc and stick with it, make the magical rules hard and fast and make it spookier than it was in S2. No need to focUs on the Ichabod and Abbie relationship too much yet.

    All the best,

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Steve. I agree with you, especially about world-building. They need more peripheral townsfolk to care about. I ship Ichabbie, but it has to unfold very slowly. I’d like her to have a love interest to be the obstacle.

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