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  1. ‘Comments are moderated. Offensive language and attacking other posters is not allowed’. Ok, but you can’t post this as a disclaimer and use “offensive language” in your blog. Come on now. Why is everyone so obsessed with sexual undertones and the homoerotic comment was unnecessary. I lost interest in this review because of the sillyness.

  2. Enjoyed the recap! Sleepy Hollow, is one of my guilty pleasures, but the pleasure has been barely measurable this season. So the satire you offer is great medicine. I don’t know about Orion being worse than Headless, they seem to be two sides of the same coin. Both wanting to see the world come to a scorching end, and wallow in what’s to come after. I like Headless as a villain though, so I didn’t really want to see him taken out, but maybe have the whining beaten out of Abraham. That nonsense has been grating to watch over the last several months. It’s unfortunate, Orion is a zealot, but not disappointing that he wanted to rid us of Katrina. The writers created the ‘Katrina Frankenstein’, and we are suffering her and the problematic choices they have made regarding her character development, in order to enjoy what little storyline they have allowed Abbie to engage us in, this season. If they ever decide to give Abbie a fully developing storyline, like they have the Cranes, maybe it’ll be with her redeeming the rebellious Orion, and his having information about her past and ancestors, maybe that’s why she’s looking at that charm, to let us know her interactions with him, isn’t over. I won’t even go into the Crane Drama, its like watching 24 hour cable news, the same story ad nauseam and, it’s too early in the day to start drinking.

    Do you have a talk show podcast, as well?

    1. Thank you so much for the kind comments, Kim. I really love the show and want to see it do well. I agree with you about Headless vs. Abraham. And as for Abby, the show does need to remember who the two lead characters are. On the one hand, I think Katrina has potential and can be redeemed, on the other hand, I don’t know if anyone cares because she’s been so poorly written. No podcast yet, but maybe as we grow. It’s 7 p.m. EST now, so enjoy that cocktail. 🙂

      1. And Elaine let me just add, I definitely expect Headless to be taken out at some point, sooner or later, and I’m hoping it will be by Abbie. Abbie’s always having to say “Finish it Crane”. This would be a great moment to be able to cheer her on and say, “Finish it Abbie”.

        1. You’re probably correct about Headless, Kim. But does that mean the end of the four horsemen? The writers will have to find some new End of Days threat. In any case, “Finish it Abbie” sounds good to me.

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