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  1. Have I mentioned how much I flipping love your blog posts? I’m just over here dancing around in happy joy. I love a Sleepy ep where they’re ramping up for Capital-A Actshawn. No extra little side-stories creeping in to water down the mainline. No ice in this bourbon. Nope, Novus Ordo Seclorum was straight up Neat.

    (yeah, you know what I was sipping last night. what can I say, I ran out of coconut rum)

    12) I was getting worried with the flashbacks. Thought they were working up to slipping us a boob(sy), but NO! Happy damn day! Cos that would SO have brought the ep down several notches.

    14) Yeah. Heh. (sometimes y’just want to turn to the haters and say SUCK IT!)

    21). Yessah! New religion in a 5’1″ box right there. Who didn’t feel something in their chest when she said that?? Who didn’t?? You’s a lie!

    23) Yes. Aw bless. Abbie steady throwing bullets.

    25-26) Crane shoulda run up and throw’d himself through the tree right behind her. Remember how Abbie leapt into the timenado to save him from being killed in 1781? Without a second damn thought? Without the hint of a moment’s hesitation? Without even knowing what she was throwing herself into? I ain’t sayin’ nothin’ I’m just sayin’.

    I REALLY enjoyed this episode. First time I’ve been able to say that about a Sleepy ep in a loooong time. I must say, I can see where cc is trying to go with the ichabbie, but the way the show is going there just isn’t the time to get there on the slow boat…

    1. Hi, T.! Thanks for commenting, and for the kind words. I agree about 25-26 and I will have something to say. This cracked me up: “Yessah! New religion in a 5’1″ box right there.” Hilarious.

  2. Love your thoughts and can’t wait for the recap. You always make me laugh. #4 and #12 are my favorites.

    I’d love to see Abbie interact with Corbin, her mother, even Andy and Abraham, while Ichabod, Joe and Jenny work to bring her back. There’s a lot of potential with the mid-season finale set up.

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