27 Thoughts on Scandal: “Paris is Burning”— Oct. 8, 2015

I wasn’t going to write anything about Scandal, but Olivia Pope ended the previous episode with the word “Yes” last week, and one person casually suggested a whole bunch of people clamored for me to do it. What choice did I have? Gotta give that one person the people what they want, right?
- Fitz: “We cannot lie!” Since when?
- Fitz dismissing Mellie to go sit in the corner until they are ready for the interview? Chutzpah.
- Mellie is culpable, too. One minute she’s practically shipping Olivia and Fitz by continually calling Liv in to fix things, then she’s had enough and gives a sit-down interview to expose the affair. Now cheating accusations have come up again and she wants to quash them.
- Oh, to see Papa Pope’s face right now. He’d be delivering some severe side-eye.
- If Cyrus Beene were still at the White House, he’d be hot-footing it through the tunnels and wooing another heart attack. Can you imagine?
- This crisis better not be a dream sequence. I keep thinking Olivia is just going to “wake up” and it will be a fake-out.
- Cyrus! Welcome back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
- Mellie wants Olitz to “remain discreet?” After Olivia’s one-word press conference? That’s crazy talk. Mellie already made it her mission to expose her husband’s philandering, so it’s too late for all that.
- Olivia didn’t lie to Abby when she said she’s “not sleeping with him.” Olitz never sleep. They are too busy rolling around in the sheets.
- Jake is still hanging around Gladiator headquarters watching the news about his ex-girlfriend going public with her actual boyfriend. It’s just not dignified. What is in it for him except for occasional second-place spooning? Doesn’t he have someone to assassinate? No work ethic.
- “I think I made a mistake.” You think so Olivia? Impulsively blowing up your affair after you two already denied it the last time this happened was a mistake. For Olivia, not for the viewers, of course, who eat up this drama. Do any of the reporters remember that Fitz and Liv’s names have been linked in the past?
- How do Fitz’s appearances help Mellie on the campaign trail? Would she not look more powerful if she ditched him and did it on her own? Well, it’s worked before…
- If Fitz and Mellie don’t split up for real in this episode, I’m so done with this show.
- That is such a lie. I have never missed an episode.
- FLOTUS wearing pearls and downing hooch from a Mason jar is everything.
- Fitz’s “I’m sorry” speech to Mellie = copious side-eye. James Ingram, huh? The lyrics: How do you keep the music playing?/How do you make it last?/How do you keep the song from fading/Too fast. You are breaking up with your wife — again — Fitz, there is no music to play. You do not make it last. The song has faded, and it was not too fast.
- Whatcha writing Fitz?
- Is that what I think it is?
- Come on, how long does it take to finish that letter? Just write: “I no longer wish to be President Fitzgerald Grant. Bye, Felicia!”
- What is going on here, did Huck burn down the Louvre?
- So Liv wants Abby to slut-shame her at a press conference? Say what now?
- Welp, guess it’s handled.
- Yay, it’s Papa Pope! He’s ready to shiv someone with that pencil, I bet. Would you give Rowan Pope a sharp object in prison? A crayon, maybe. Here comes Jake. Why is he on the visiting list?
- Oh, for fuck’s sake, is this another Vitamin B6 thing or whatever?
- I’m done.
- Totally done
- Until next week.
Scandal airs Thursdays at 9/8c on ABC