Elaine is the chief editor of TV Recappers' Delight. She's an experienced entertainment reporter, reviewer, editor, blogger, columnist and Bon Vivant.
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Yay, Naomi Campbell is Back! 5 Ideas for Empire’s Camilla
Empire’s fall finale packed a couple of surprises. The empire is now more or less in the hands of Hakeem Lyon—Hakeem, of all people. Naomi Campbell is back as Camilla Marks, who has taken her bitchiness and cunning to the next level. She not only swayed Hakeem’s vote to oust Lucious, she’s in a position to pull the strings.

Empire: 5 Ways to Be More Scary than Chris Rock
To make a point about the justice system, Cookie Lyon dressed in a gorilla costume and hovered above the rapt crowd in a cage. You would think that would be the most deliciously absurd moment of a deliciously absurd series, you would be wrong. What was absurd was casting the talented Chris Rock as a terrifying drug kingpin, Frank Gathers, who winds up in the hoosegow.

12 Etiquette Tips from Empire’s Cookie Lyon
Taraji P. Henson’s Cookie Lyon is the best part of Empire. Love her, listen to her, learn from her.

Fall TV 2015: Expect More Diversity
The 2015-2016 upfronts were announced last week and networks presented their line-ups for the fall season and 2016 mid-season replacements. While it can’t all be attributed to the Empire effect, the networks are “diversifying” — or as Shonda Rhimes calls it “normalizing — their dramas and comedies.

6 Thoughts on Empire: “Sinned Against” — Nov. 25, 2015
Hakeem Lyon is smart. Whaaat? Hakeem is officially the most sensible Lyon right now. I can’t believe I wrote those words, but it’s true.

5 Things We Want to Know About Empire’s Cookie Lyon
Can Tajari P. Henson, please stop being so compelling as Cookie. She’s making it quite demanding to pay attention to the rest of the show. There was a drive-by shooting, but Cookie wasn’t in the scene so it didn’t reach DEFCON levels.