Quantico Recap: “ZRTORCH”
Alex still feels the need to be the hero as she risks her life, again, to save innocent people. The jury is still out on whether Miranda is good or straight evil.
Alex still feels the need to be the hero as she risks her life, again, to save innocent people. The jury is still out on whether Miranda is good or straight evil.
Do you have your bread and milk? Good, sit back and enjoy the NY snow coverage–especially Lou Young and Lonnie Quinn who are rockstars.
Please don’t kick Corinne off please Nick. She is such good TV and I would love nothing more than for her to win. Just for once, do it for me, Nick.
Robert and Liam go to Helena together to say that Liam should be put forward as the next king. She straight up tells Liam no.
Apparently Miranda told Nimah what she was doing was going to protect people. She was wrong.
On Gotham Jerome’s rampage produces a bit of foreshadowing. Ed Nygma and Penguin express their true feelings for each other. And a relative, with connections, shows up at Jim Gordon’s door.
After a short hiatus, Quantico came back and was ready to answer our burning questions. Ryan was revealed as a terrorist member, locked his beloved in a laser dungeon and then threw away the key. We’ll just say Ryan and Alex are going through a rough patch right now…
It wasn’t really a jolly Christmas for most of the Royals especially the two brothers on The Royals.