Empire Recap: “Sound & Fury”
Remember how Boo Boo Kitty was smashing Ming vases and whatnot because she wanted to be head of A&R? Amateur hour.
Remember how Boo Boo Kitty was smashing Ming vases and whatnot because she wanted to be head of A&R? Amateur hour.
Yes, lawd! Empire returns tonight with the second half of its third season. Back in December, the midseason finale ended with a bang—and for once it didn’t involve Lucious shooting someone or him getting shot. Still, Lucious tried to kill Angelo Dubois’ mayoral career—or at least leave a nasty scar. The Lyons’ eldest son,…
The rulers in the snow, the cruelty of warm and cozy anchors making banter with freezing reporters buffeted about by high winds and questioning their life choices. Best of all, Lou Young! TVRD loves inclement weather news.
Honestly, I think he is going to pick the hick. He doesn’t want to move to Canada, he wants to live in LA for endorsement deals.
Get off my TV, Andi. You already ruined two other seasons for me. This is the worst possible way to start an episode. Nick shouldn’t be talking about his regrets when she wrote a book talking about how he was terrible in the sack.
After the attempt on his life by Jim Blackwell, Norman decides to stop by the prison to taunt Alex and let him know that he never felt better. Alex assures Norman it’s just a matter of time before he gets what’s coming. I’d like to see that. Dylan’s torn when Emma tells him about her…
Vanessa has a bit of a naughty streak, eh? Still not enough to save face. She’s a terrible representative of Canada
If someone stacked cheese on my head while I was sleeping, I would shred their rose ceremony dresses to pieces.