The Bachelorette: Season 11 — Episode 10
Some viewers, editor-at-large Geri M. and myself, mock The Bachelorette, but TVRD’s special contributor Andrée H. has her own take on it. Andrée genuinely likes The Bachelorette and raises a perfectly arched eyebrow when it does meet high expectations. Seriously, though, the woman has some phenomenal eyebrows. Think Liz Taylor back in the day. In any case, Andrée recaps for the right reasons. — Elaine F.
This was a breath of fresh air. For once, this season, I actually felt like I was watching The Bachelorette; it’s nice to see Kaitlyn finally taking this thing seriously.

We start this episode as so many others this season, right where we last left off. Shawn and Nick argue, though in all fairness it was mostly Shawn ripping on Nick and Nick stammering. This was a disappointing fight as I really thought Shawn was going to call Nick out for sleeping with Kaitlyn, but he didn’t.

Kaitlyn looks forward to her overnight with “hot, charming, easy and nice” Ben. A much- needed break from the ongoing Shawn and Nick saga. They go horseback riding, feed some mules and have a picnic overlooking the mountains and a castle. It’s a fairy-tale night. They have some deep talks and Ben tells The Bachelorette he is falling in love with her; she asks him to spend the night with her in the castle.
During dinner, Ben brings up his concern about their age difference. Kaitlyn reassures him that it doesn’t bother her and he jokes that she is the “hottest older woman I’ve ever seen.” [Editor’s Note: He has never seen Helen Mirren. — E.F.]
The next morning, Kaitlyn says she only got a half an hour of sleep. She knocks on the window and gives Ben a flirtatious wave as he leaves. Looks like someone got lucky — and yes I mean Kaitlyn.
Time for the one-on-one with Shawn. Kaitlyn gifts him with a bright pink polo shirt, they go golfing, which excites Shawn because growing old playing golf together is another item on his wifey checklist.
At the end of an awesome date, Kaitlyn wants to play truth or dare and challenges Shawn to take all his clothes off and sink a putt. When he does, she grabs his clothes and runs. Shawn streaking through a golf course, with his washboard abs and muscular legs on display for all to see. Mmmmm … where were we?
During dinner, Kaitlyn has to ruin everything by bringing up Nick. She says that he mentioned the eskimo brothers thing and Shawn gets pissed. He says this is just another example of Nick acting like a 16-year-old girl and being a terrible person. Kaitlyn says they really need to work things out off-camera and offers him the overnight card. There is really no conversation about it, they just get up and go.
The next morning, Shawn does the walk of … well, whatever the opposite of the walk of shame is, he strolls along Cloud Nine, but Nick waits for him outside his room because he thinks he didn’t get an opportunity to stand up for himself during their last confrontation. Shawn doesn’t give him a chance and warns Nick to never utter Shawn’s name to Kaitlyn again — or he’ll regret it. Nick attempts to speak up, but Shawn shuts him down with, “I don’t want to think anymore about you, you’re the last person I want to see. I don’t care if I ever talk to you again for the rest of my life. Get out.”
Then comes the rose ceremony, Kaitlyn eliminates Ben and I cried for sure at the look in his innocent eyes as she crushed him. I am 100% confident that Ben is going to be selected for the next Bachelor. Let’s look at what all he has going for him:
- He was the third to last which historically (Kaitlyn, Chris and Andi etc) is a popular choice.
- He is tall, dark and handsome, yet baby-faced and adorable.
- He is slightly boring, but that just means that the show can cast all the crazy women they want to keep things spicy.
This is a no-brainer. Also, he has got to be the most normal guy up for the role of Bachelor in a while, which quite frankly, would be a good thing for the show.
So we begin the hometown dates and it is confusing. First of all, they are no longer hometown dates, they are meet-the-family dates, and everyone is meeting in one big hotel in Utah. Is Kaitlyn just banned from everywhere? Like what is going on this season? Air travel is expensive these days – maybe the franchise is tightening purse strings. I have a money-saving idea, two less chandeliers per set. Problem solved. They play an audio clip of Kaitlyn being excited to meet Shawn’s family, but then they show her meeting Nick. Pull yourself together guys, c’mon, I expect nothing short of a pro effort.
Nick’s date begins with him confessing that he loves with Kaitlyn, and that he feels very differently than when he was at this point on his previous season. Nick’s family members, meanwhile, look devastated that Nick is putting himself through this again. They are in tears over the situation, worrying that Nick will have blind confidence then get his heart ripped to shreds again. Still, they act happy and are won over by Kaitlyn.
I know I am going to catch some hate from Bachelor Nation on this comment, but bear in mind I didn’t watch Andi Dorfman’s season so I don’t have any hate for Nick. It’s annoying that he came in halfway through, but for all we know the show might have made him do it for dramatic purposes. In all honestly, I think that Nick and Kaitlyn are probably a better match for each other than her and Shawn. I think Shawn is too good looking, too polished, too put together and probably a little too wholesome for Kaitlyn. I assumed that Nick is a bad guy, but seeing Nick with his kin made me think otherwise. Maybe he’s the real deal? I am as confused as Kaitlyn now! I like Shawn the most, but I am starting to think Nick is better for Kaitlyn.
Shawn’s family is anxious about the situation, too, but they are happy that Shawn is in the final two and they proud that he has received the first-impression rose. Shawn is worried most about his sisters’ opinions, but their talks with Kaitlyn are effortless, one sister even says t felt like talking to a family member. His dad has the most reservations, fearing that Shawn is in too deep, but ultimately he gives his approval.
After saying goodbye to the fam, Kaitlyn and Shawn head back to his hotel room for some couch snuggles and Shawn uses the opportunity to tell her, “I am in love with you and have been for a while. It just feels right being with you.”
When Nick told her he loves her, Kaitlyn broke out into the toothiest smile, but when Shawn told her that he loved her, I noticed her lips were tight and it looked to me to be a forced smile. It seemed like she couldn’t wait to get out of there. Maybe it was just editing but it threw me for a loop.
I was surprised by Kaitlyn’s reaction after things went well with Shawn’s family. It almost seemed to me like she was upset that it didn’t go horribly wrong so she could have an out from telling him that he was the one so early in the season. At this point, they are making it look like she has a stronger connection with Nick, but I am sure they are doing whatever they can to throw us off the scent since she has been so open about her feelings for Shawn from the beginning. It’s almost done — two more weeks. I still think it will be Shawn for the win, but I can tell you for sure, that I am the most excited for the “Men Tell All” next week, this one is going to be a doozy.
First Overnight: Ben
Second Overnight: Nick
Third Overnight: Shawn
Rose Ceremony: Nick receives the first rose, Shawn receives the second, sending home Ben and lining him up to be the next Bachelor in my opinion
First Meet-the-Family: Nick
Second Meet-the-Family: Shawn