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  1. YES – I too thought Bonnie did Lila – did not see Frank OR this ending coming at all! BUT why would Bonnie kill Rebecca – I could see her killing Lila but not Rebecca. But does Annalise know that Frank killed Lila? I think not. So he could have killed Rebecca too and been lying to Annalise. (why did I automatically believe him when he told Annalise that he didn’t kill her?) He is still the most likely suspect because he might think Rebecca could implicate him and he has killed already.

    1. I never paid Frank a bit of attention, now I want to rewatch and search for clues.
      Bonnie might kill Rebecca for being the most annoying character on a show with annoying characters.
      I, too, believed Frank at the end. Having him be Rebecca’s killer too obvious. The most likely suspect is never guilty

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