10 Thoughts on the How to Get Away with Murder Finale — Feb. 26, 2015
I was so gung-ho when How to Get Away with Murder began. There were so many twists and turns along the way, that I kept changing my mind about whodunnit. What you have to know is I pride myself on always being right about the culprit. I base this on the fact that it took me five minutes to figure out that Bruce Willis was dead in The Sixth Sense. I never saw the finale HTGAWM reveal coming.
- I decided that Bonnie was guilty early on. Why? Because she seemed least likely to have been the killer. To my way of thinking, the least likely suspect is always the guilty one. She had a thing for Sam so maybe she killed Lila in a jealous rage. Nope!
Guilty Bonnie? Nope - Those scratch marks on the wall in Wes’ crummy apartment meant that Rebecca killed her neighbor because he knew she murdered Lila. Nope!
- Hannah Keating did it because … reasons. Maybe she did have some sort of Flowers in the Attic thing going with her brother. Nope!
- Unbalanced Lila killed herself to set up Sam. Nope!
- Mr. Sexy Cop did it for Annalise because … reasons. Nope!
- Frank? Frank? I barely paid attention to him. He might as well have been an extra until it was revealed that he would do anything for Anna Mae.
- Why did Sam need Frank’s help? A strapping man like Sam should have been able to do it himself. Why was Frank beholden to Sam?
Mr. Sexy Cop guilty? Nope! - Rebecca was a royal pain from the get-go. The goth thing is a little past its prime. Pale skin, piercings, ennui. Meh!
- Rebecca is dead! She’s dead! We no longer have to deal with her. Except for in flashbacks. It was a mercy killing. She was a bore. Yay!
- Well, if Frank didn’t do it and Annalise didn’t do it. whodunnit? Will Bonnie finally be guilty of something? Did Sam or Hannah do it for revenge?
Fall can’t come soon enough.
YES – I too thought Bonnie did Lila – did not see Frank OR this ending coming at all! BUT why would Bonnie kill Rebecca – I could see her killing Lila but not Rebecca. But does Annalise know that Frank killed Lila? I think not. So he could have killed Rebecca too and been lying to Annalise. (why did I automatically believe him when he told Annalise that he didn’t kill her?) He is still the most likely suspect because he might think Rebecca could implicate him and he has killed already.
I never paid Frank a bit of attention, now I want to rewatch and search for clues.
Bonnie might kill Rebecca for being the most annoying character on a show with annoying characters.
I, too, believed Frank at the end. Having him be Rebecca’s killer too obvious. The most likely suspect is never guilty