Fans We Love: SleepyHeads Edition
What else can we say but, #SleepyHeadsRepresent!
What else can we say but, #SleepyHeadsRepresent!
Sometimes you’re watching a TV show and feel compelled to add to the many memes. Sleepy Hollow’s whispering Katrina Crane kicks off our occasional series: Trying to Make a Hashtag Happen
I’ll address “Columbia” on the show that was formerly known as Sleepy Hollow with what are probably my final stream-of-consciousness ramblings on the series.
In honor of Sleepy Hollow’s Season 3 return on October 1, we’re in the midst of a weeklong celebration. We love Abbie Mills, Ichabod is completely in love with Abbie Mills and just about every character is fascinated by Abbie Mills.
“Tempus Fugit,” the Sleepy Hollow season finale was everything. The episode was filled with “OMG!” and “OMFG!”
While Katrina is an easy target for Ichabbie fans, I should think Ichatrina loyalists would demand much more for her.
Abbie and Ichabod’s new Scooby Gang member, shady Nick Hawley is back. He’s helpful when it serves him. A tune pulls ten-year-old Sara Lancaster (Abigail Cornell) from her home in the middle of the night and she drifts into the misty woods.