Empire: 5 Ways to Stage a Protest

Photo: Fox
It’s campaign season and protesters have been making headline news but they could get even more attention by jazzing things up a bit. On last night’s episode of Empire, Jamal’s fans voiced their discontent with his private life. Here’s what Empire teaches about getting your point across.
- Find a relevant issue. Music star Jamal Lyon came out of the closet and he’s a gay icon but he had the briefest of flings with a woman, Skye Summers, so he’s ruined everything for everybody everywhere. Or something.
- Make a grand entrance. When the Lyon matriarch, Cookie, was protesting racism and mass incarceration she underscored the gravity of the issue by descending to the stage in a cage and wearing a gorilla costume. Don’t help, Cookie, don’t help.
- Come up with a song. The folks protesting Jamal’s sex life sang “Flip-Flop.” It’s a parody of “Drip Drop,” which is performed by Jamal’s brother Hakeem so it’s not really on-point but you’ve got to admit, it’s a catchy tune so whatevs.
- Choreography helps. Jamal’s protestors worked out a little dance routine. It wasn’t Broadway-worthy, but it added a little pizazz.
- Bring a prop. Homemade signs are unoriginal, Jamal’s demonstrators came armed wth colorful, rubber flip-flops to wave around and toss in the air before walking off in a huff. Well, that will teach Jamal.
The lesson here is that anyone can protest, but it’s better to do it with flair. To check out my full recap, you can head on over to The Root.
Empire airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Fox.