Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Royal Wedding Recap
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have captured hearts since Harry declared his love and said: Aw hell naw, Karen.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have captured hearts since Harry declared his love and said: Aw hell naw, Karen.
I’m not saying that I’m obsessed with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s romance, I’m just saying the last time I was this invested in a wedding was when Mr. TV Recaps put a ring on it. For every possibly unhealthy fixation, there is a book. Here’s some bedside reading for fans of our new royal supercouple.
Life’s big events reunite friends and family, especially a happy event like a wedding. Welp, our bestie Meg is getting married next week so TVRD is back from hiatus, baby. We’re super psyched about the royal wedding because of our personal ties to the bride and groom. Elaine has watched Suits and visited Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace so that counts, right?
Leon is dead, Sebastian is still holding Harry hostage and Nimah is turned herself in as Raina. Ugh. But there is good news for Quantico fans: Caleb Haas is back! The president’s youngest is finally rejoining the world after being MIA the last season. He didn’t leave on the best terms with the team, but…
The rulers in the snow, the cruelty of warm and cozy anchors making banter with freezing reporters buffeted about by high winds and questioning their life choices. Best of all, Lou Young! TVRD loves inclement weather news.
Do you have your bread and milk? Good, sit back and enjoy the NY snow coverage–especially Lou Young and Lonnie Quinn who are rockstars.
It wasn’t really a jolly Christmas for most of the Royals especially the two brothers on The Royals.
Are you doing a social media blackout this weekend? ’tis a pity, you’re missing TVRD’s alternative viewing guide. Fans of horror will have 24-hour access to watch ghouls, zombies, and blood-suckers on TV. But for the rest of us, here are some TVRD favorites.