Sleepy Hollow: The Crane Marriage is “Doomed.”
Tom Mison says he’s grateful for Sleepy Hollow’s “very vocal fan base.”
Tom Mison says he’s grateful for Sleepy Hollow’s “very vocal fan base.”
Team Witness works out some of their issues with a heart-to-heart and some karaoke. Ford Mustang shows up all over the place. At least the show has sponsors.
Okay, Sleepyheads, we’ve all had a lot to say about our show’s creative direction and are sick with worry that Sleepy Hollow won’t get renewed. (Well, maybe that’s just me.) This week I’m breaking from the usual recap format so we can discuss last night’s episode. One of the elements that made Sleepy Hollow stand out in Season One was…
Michelle Trachtenberg who played Dawn Summers on Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a guest star on this week’s Sleepy Hollow. Just gonna put it out there and admit that I’m a Joss Whedon superfans. I consider Buffy the Vampire Slayer one of the greatest shows of all-time and often suspect that the Sleepy writers have watched a lot of Buffy themselves.
Ratings are slipping and Fox execs have some curious answers about how to save the Sleepy Hollow from the End of Days.
Think you know your way around Sleepy Hollow? Take our quiz to see how well you know your stuff.
Six weeks after Moloch’s defeat, Ichabod and Abbie get to engage in pleasant activities like a trip to the farmer’s market. Lieutenant Mills seems to be over the whole Witness game, but Crane is obsessed with the idea that there’s still evil afoot. I guess it’s easier than focusing on the fact that he and Katrina are on the outs.
The new season of an absurd TV show airs tonight. It’s about some rando fame whore who juggles emotionally damaged women in a Hunger Games-style competition for his heart. I will not be watching that show. I will be watching “Sleepy Hollow” because it’s more fun to swoon over Ichabod Crane than to cringe at some reality show cheeseball. Here’s some of the times “Tall, Dark and British,” kicked some “here-for-the-right-reasons” ass.