Laz and Cookie do computer research on Empire

4 Times Empire Was Clearly Not Shot in NYC

Lots of shows aren’t filmed in the city in which they are set. Vancouver and Georgia are popular substitutes. It may not always be convincing, but Empire, which films in Chicago, may be the most egregious when it comes to not even trying to look like it’s in New York, but that’s not the only giveaway. In the latest episode, “True Love Never,” there were four glaring moments that made me wonder if the crew has ever stepped foot in Gotham.

Lucious prepares the crowd to open their checkbooks on Empire.

Empire’s Lucious — The Devil Made Him Do It

Cookie Lyon took the rap for Lucious and spent 17 years in prison while he used the money from their drug operation to become a music mogul. He didn’t visit her, didn’t give her any credit for Empire’s success and didn’t even put some money in her commissary account so she could afford a Kit-Kat bar or some shea butter. Nobody wants to be peckish and ashy.

Chris Rock as Frank Gathers in the prison yard with Lucious on Empire

Empire: 5 Ways to Be More Scary than Chris Rock

To make a point about the justice system, Cookie Lyon dressed in a gorilla costume and hovered above the rapt crowd in a cage. You would think that would be the most deliciously absurd moment of a deliciously absurd series, you would be wrong. What was absurd was casting the talented Chris Rock as a terrifying drug kingpin, Frank Gathers, who winds up in the hoosegow.