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  1. Lmao! I really like your wit and writing so here’s my second rant of the day. I’m getting much accomplished at work today, obviously.

    I’m a white chick and I say too damn bad to all of the white people that feel entitled to be on show because they’re white. This is what needs to happen right not to even the playing ground. Finally actors will be judged by their abilities to play a part and if that means in the interim Hollywood has to fill more roles with people of color to get there, so be it. It’s annoying to watch shows that cast one POC as decoration or to just feel they’ve taken the obligatory PC action. There are tons of white people on the shows where there may now be POC in lead role–they are just not the leads! I hope certain channels (ahem, the CW) will take a cue from Empire and Sleepy Hollow (season one and hopefully season three) and create casts that feel organic to what real life is for most people. Not everyone “hot” is white, heterosexual, 110 lbs, or under 40. When they do cast POC or someone that doesn’t fit their ideal, they are generally used as a quick plot device or for some other perfunctory purpose. That wretched woman Sandra (are all haters named Sandra or is this really one woman because she is EVERYWHERE) goes around spewing hate from site to site, but it makes me ponder why people like this have watched a show like Sleepy Hollow from the beginning. After all, Katrina was always a plot device and limited to a generally recurring role in the first season. We were blessed with continuous action from our main players and the show revolved around Ichabod and Abbie. It really makes no sense at all that they would follow a show if they are so against what it represented. Perhaps it’s just that some don’t know how to convey what they feel when they see things or people that are different than their norm. Others that simply just post vile and racist unsupported rants are just too ignorant to learn anything.

    I also hope that some of the characters trapped in an awful contract as the best friend of the “highly desired” white lead or some other typical trope can move on to roles with more substance or the shows allow the character to evolve to more. I’m really talking about Bonnie on The Vampire Diaries here because I honestly think she is one of the best actresses on the show, if not the best. I kind of hate-watch the show now because the redundancy with stories and repeated plot devices are enough to drive anyone insane. How many times can Elena and Damon break up to make up? I suppose I lack the female gene that craves constant romance–especially on supernatural shows–but it would be nice to see Bonnie get something meaty to do and have a relationship w/ one of the Salvatore brothers (the two lead males of the show).

    Overall, it’s a new day for television and I think most people are ready for it.

    1. Thanks for writing again, Melissa. I find your words heartening. In regards to your previous comment, I won’t call certain viewers racist. I will, however, leave you with my favorite Francis Urquhart quote from the UK version of House of Cards: “You might well think that. I couldn’t possibly comment.”

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