Bates Motel: “Unfaithful” — May 2, 2016
Alex moves out while Norman settles in back at home. Norma tries to find a happy medium; Rebecca Howard isn’t out of the picture yet. Special Contributor Tracey M. shares the latest goings on at Bates Motel. – David F.

My blood ran cold this week. Norman is back home, and even I felt I should walk on eggshells. Despite Freddie Highmore’s adorable dimples, he scares the hell out of me; his Norman can make you afraid to turn your back on him. Naturally, he’s beside himself about Norma and Alex’s marriage. He’s gone as far as drilling a hole into the motel wall to silently watch Alex and Norma’s secret lovemaking. He cried; he felt misled, betrayed. He wants so badly to believe that it’s not real, going as far as to let Alex know that he’s now free to divorce Norma. Mighty generous of you, Norman! Alex is staying at his place for now. Norma hopes to ease Norman into accepting her need to be with a normal person. Good luck with that, Ma Bates, you’ve broken him.
Dylan and Emma are getting ready to head to Seattle, but they’re not moving fast enough for me. Norma convinced them to help pick out the family Christmas tree before leaving town. Really, Norma??? I don’t see a Norman Rockwell moment coming out of that. The day Dylan visited his brother at Pineview, he told him about his relationship with Emma. They were playing croquet at the time, and Norman said he was truly happy for them, and didn’t bash Dylan’s brains in. Huh. There’s something very wrong in Norman’s eyes. There’s nothing there. He’s only saying what his family wants to hear. Playing the game. He even thanked Norma for helping him get the help he needs. I can’t forget what he said to Julian on his way out of Pineview. About how he could fool people, and act normal, but Julian was going to be there for life. He said it calmly enough, but there was obvious contempt for mental illness. Go figure. At the Christmas tree lot, mother and son argue about Alex. I love screaming-crazy Norma, and Vera Farmiga didn’t disappoint. Her range of emotion is staggering. She can make you laugh and cry at the same time. You can feel the strain of being Norman’s mother. Bravo, Vera! Norman screamed right back this time, upsetting himself enough to vomit up his hot chocolate. Norma storms off, and Dylan looks haunted standing there holding Emma.
Meanwhile, Rebecca Howard is being stopped at the airport by the DEA. They want to talk to her about Bob Paris and Alex Romero. I thought Alex gave her Bob’s safety-deposit key, no strings attached. Bon Voyage. I’m not so sure about Alex’s motives anymore, but the DEA could just be baiting her, hoping to spook her into spilling the beans. Stay tuned for that to play out.
Norma has dinner with Alex and Norman, so they can talk things out. Norman decides he will pay for his therapy, no need for “step-daddy” (yes, he really said that) to have to support a grown man. Alex is encouraging to Norman, supporting his desire to take care of himself. All Norman wants to hear from Alex is when he’s leaving. He storms outside and takes his frustrations out on the woodpile. He’s swinging that ax like Paul Bunyan when Alex offers to go out and talk to him. Got your gun, Alex? Norman rages against that woodpile, yelling at Alex, challenging him. The ax gets a bit too close, so Alex backs away and heads into the house to tell Norma he plans to stay the night. How ‘bout a Super 8 or something? I’d put on some coffee if I were Norma. It’s gonna be a long night.
Bates Motel airs on A&E Monday at 9/8c