Macey Irving Bio
Likes: Science, Jenny Mills, hot chocolate with peppermint, knitted caps
Dislikes: Being possessed by evil spirits
Likes: Science, Jenny Mills, hot chocolate with peppermint, knitted caps
Dislikes: Being possessed by evil spirits
Captain Irving’s no-nonsense ex. She makes sure that he sees their daughter. She also stands by Frank in tough times.
When the girls went to the woods to secretly drink beer, they saw four strange white trees and the demon Moloch. Though it only seemed like a few minutes, the girls passed out for four days and had a lot of explaining to do.
The Mills sisters’ mom was just misunderstood. Pushed to suicide she was battling literal demons.
Lachlan was an abolitionist, warlock and member of Katrina’s coven. His home, Fredericks Manor, provided harbor for former slaves.
One of Ichabod’s contemporaries and a member of the same coven as Katrina.
Famous Last Words: “I’ll never tell you where it is. I’m prepared to die.”
The Freemasons First Appearance: “The Sin Eater” Backstory: Ichabod Crane was a member of the Freemasons, who guarded secrets and artifacts for the side of good. They were in league with Crane’s wife, Katrina until she cast the life-saving spell on Ichabod and secreted him away. Recent Developments: The Masons drugged and kidnapped Ichabod and explained that…
Philanthropist, author, socialite. Her lineage goes back to the Founding Fathers. She is a descendant of Lachlan Fredericks.