Jamie and Tasha talk about Shawn's death on Power

Power “Call me James” — July 12, 2016

The long national nightmare is over, Power is back, baby! For those just tuning in, Power is a show about James “Ghost” St. Patrick and Angela Valdes, the high school sweethearts reunited and were all set for a wonderful life in which Angie would make googly eyes at Jamie, and Jamie would stroke Angies’s magnificent chestnut tresses. A few things blocked their path. Jamie never mentioned that he was a top-level drug dealer and she forgot to mention that she was a federal prosecutor working on a drug task force to bring down someone named “Ghost.” The crazy kids patched things up and Angie didn’t tattle, in fact, she destroyed evidence implicating Ghost. Jamie pinky-swore that he’s out of the drug trade forever. Let’s go!

Samira Wiley as Poussey on Orange is the new Black

27 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 13: “Toast Can’t Never be Bread Again”

When the semi-Warden, Caputo, confronts Head Brute in Charge Piscatella , the CO claims that Poussey was “extremely violent” during the “insurrection.” If you are not fluent in cover-your-ass language, that translates to Poussey was “doing nothing wrong” at a “peaceful protest.” That 92-pound unarmed woman was a threat and that’s that.

Samira Wiley as Poussey on Orange is the New Black

28 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 12: “The Animals”

All the colors of Benetton have united to fight a common enemy: the fascists in control. Not so sure that they are going to be able to fight the power. Who is going to care what the inmates have to say? Caputo, I guess, but he’s been so impotent that I’m not counting on it.

Kate Mulgrew as Red on Orange is the New Black

10 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 11: “People Persons”

Caputo correctly orders his staff to not make rash judgments and antagonize the situation, so there is to be no witch hunt until facts have been gathered. Ha-ha! Caputo still thinks he’s running things though we’ve barely seen him at work. Chief Bully in Charge Corrections Officer Piscatella gives counter orders the minute Caputo’s back is turned.

Laura Gomez as Blanca on Orange is the New Black

9 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 9: “Turn Table Turn”

The COs are bullying and sadistic. Caputo, who was always marginally competent, isn’t doing anything to rein them in. Creepy, abusive Pornstache who indirectly caused an inmate to overdose and staged the scene as a suicide would probably find this appalling.