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Welcome to TV Recappers’ Delight, a new site devoted to television.
Sheriff Corbin had a son. After serving in the marines, Joe Corbin returns to Sleepy Hollow. He’s been holding on to some bitter resentment.
Rebecca barges into Wes’s apartment because she smells pepperoni. What is she, a bloodhound? It’s obvious why Wes falls for her. Side-eye…. There is something shady about Bonnie Winterbottom.
A woman goes to extremes to best her perceived rivals for Ichabod’s heart. The writers toss Ichabbie shippers a bone. Crane sees Katrina in a new light.
This episode is all about sex and money. The characters are having sex, using sex and talking about sex. Some of them need money, others want to hold on to money. There are also some phone issues.
Abbie and Ichabod’s new Scooby Gang member, shady Nick Hawley is back. He’s helpful when it serves him. A tune pulls ten-year-old Sara Lancaster (Abigail Cornell) from her home in the middle of the night and she drifts into the misty woods.
Dagnabbit, Wes did something shady. I may have to start liking him now. It makes me so mad when my rash judgements are wrong. Well, I can still hate that stupid Matthew McConaughey Cadillac commercial. I also like Connor, for all the wrong reasons. Also, you better treat a Vera Wang dress with respect.
There are rifts this week. The Mills sisters repaired relationship is again threatened. Katrina pits Abraham Van Brunt against Henry. Mild-mannered residents become violent. Secrets are exposed and dangerous alliances formed.