Ichabod and Abbie on Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow: “Spellcaster” — Feb. 2, 2015

Ichabod and Abbie sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Okay, I may or may not have made that part up, but let’s not forget that Ichabbie shippers are still squeeing over this Tom Mison interview and this one. In any case, the show is making it pretty clear that the snoozy Katrina is about to go rogue. Also, we got to see the return of Henry, who is in top form and some stunning moments from Captain Frank Irving.

Cora flirts with Simon Bricker over dinner on Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey’s Lady Cora: You’re Kidding Me, Right?

She seems so mild-mannered, but Lady Cora recently went on a violent rampage through the halls of Downton Abbey. A source reveals that the Countess of Grantham is enraged that one of her only chances to get any attention on the show was over in four episodes. In fairness, that’s a good run for a Cora plot, but she’s still upset.

Downtown Abbey’s Lady Edith: Why Does Julian Fellowes Hate Me?

Downtown Abbey’s Lady Edith: Why Does Julian Fellowes Hate Me?

Lady Edith Crawley of Downton Abbey is speaking out against writer Julian Fellowes, whom she claims has been bullying and mistreating her for more than a decade. She accuses him of being a Svengali. “I just can’t take the sadism anymore,” she says, “It’s like he’s plotting to drive me mad.”