Sleepy Hollow: Mama Mills Heads to Quantico
Mama Mills gets Abbie’s dream job.
Mama Mills gets Abbie’s dream job.
Jake and Abby signed divorce papers on Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, they have an odd way of saying good-bye. Team #Jabby will like this. #TeamWabby, not so much.
When Sleepy Hollow’s ratings slipped, some blamed the focus on Katrina Crane. The show finally killed her off. Fans were pleased, but will the bold move help keep the show alive?
“Tempus Fugit,” the Sleepy Hollow season finale was everything. The episode was filled with “OMG!” and “OMFG!”
Sleepy Hollow’s petite powerhouse Abbie Mills is one of the standout heroines on TV. She’s a bold, brave, brainy, beautiful badass. Here are just some of the reasons, we need a Season Three and more Abbie Mills
Even centuries can’t break the Ichabbie bond. Read what actor Tom Mison has to say.
John and Anna Bates are pleading with writers to wrap up the whole who-killed-Mr. Green-mystery. Mr. and Mrs. Bates point out that Mr. Green deserved to get pushed in front of a bus, they just would like to have a scene that doesn’t involve talking about this two-year-old case anymore.
Annalise’s mother, played by Cecily Tyson, comes to visit. More of Professor Keating’s past is revealed and sheds light on why she is so tormented.