Viola Davis as Annalise Keating and cast of How to Get Away with Murder season two.

37 Thoughts on How to Get Away with Murder: “It’s Time to Move On” — Sept. 24, 2015

How to Get Away with Murder returned for a second season this week with the episode “It’s Time to Move On.” Here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings on the premiere. Full-disclosure: Wine was consumed while writing this.

Chris Rock as Frank Gathers in the prison yard with Lucious on Empire

Empire: 5 Ways to Be More Scary than Chris Rock

To make a point about the justice system, Cookie Lyon dressed in a gorilla costume and hovered above the rapt crowd in a cage. You would think that would be the most deliciously absurd moment of a deliciously absurd series, you would be wrong. What was absurd was casting the talented Chris Rock as a terrifying drug kingpin, Frank Gathers, who winds up in the hoosegow.

Angela Valdes and Greg Knox - Power Starz

Power: “Ghost is Dead” — Aug. 15, 2015

Jamie “Ghost” St. Patrick loves Angela Valdes. So what if he’s a drug distributor for a Mexican cartel? So what if she is a federal agent working to nab Felipe Lobos the head of the cartel? So what if Ghost deliberately screwed up Angela’s case and Angela destroyed evidence against Jamie and now she’ll probably get fired from the FBI? So what? This is Jangela or as I’ve been informed Jamela. So what if they have multiple portmanteaus? Jamie and Angela belong together no matter what and that’s that.