Thanks for visiting our humble site! You know that best friend who always teases and sometimes taunts you, but always takes care of you? Well, that’s how we are when it comes to TV. We mock, but we love (some days more than others)! You can always contact us if you want to know more about TV Recappers’ Delight or get in touch with us about a project.
Chief Editor
Writer, Editor and Bon Vivant Elaine G. Flores has more than 20 years experience in the world of entertainment media as a reporter, reviewer, editor, blogger and columnist. Her celebrity interviews and entertainment pieces have been featured in many media outlets including The Root,, Gannett Newspapers, Soap Opera Digest, the St. Louis American, Madame Noire and Bossip.
Executive Editor
Elaine’s partner in crime, and sometimes blogging, is David Flores. He has more than 20 years experience in online, managing online communities and blogs for, and others. When it comes to TV watching, he’s a sucker for classic comedies, anything mechanical with wheels (Hello, Velocity!), nature shows and things being built. He is recovering from an unhealthy fascination with The Weather Channel. No, he’s not 90. Why do you ask?
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