Gotham: “Azrael” — May 2, 2016
According to Special Contributor Ralph S., on this week’s Gotham the writers decided that after having a week off they would open up a great big can of krazy, throwing in some steroids for added spice. – David F.

At the end of the last episode we saw Hugo Strange bring Theo Galavan back from the dead. Theo then wasted no time in killing all the orderlies and guards that Strange had there to restrain him. Now, while Hugo and Miss Perkins watch behind a one way mirror, Theo busies himself covering the walls of the room where he’s confined in graffiti written in the blood of the dead guards. Oh yeah, he’s also speaking in tongues and biblical verses. While watching this little show Strange observes that Theo has gained increased strength and speed. Miss Perkins, on the other hand, makes a more astute observation. She declares that he’s mad as a hatter. After seeing Theo you have to appreciate her brutal honesty. Strange tells her that Theo’s mind is a mess because it can’t handle the fact that he’s come back from the dead. Strange, as usual, has a plan for dealing with his resurrected psycho. That has to be put on hold when Strange is interrupted by a call announcing a visitor, Jim Gordon.
He accuses Strange of being the mastermind of Wayne Industries’ Pinewood program. Strange denies the accusation and then tries to put the blame back on Thomas Wayne. He then brings up Gordon’s ex-cop status and reminds him that he has no real power to do anything about the situation. Gordon says he’s working on a case for a client and changes the subject to Victor Fries. When Hugo states that Fries is dead, Jimbo knows he’s lying and calls him on it. He leaves Strange in a somewhat disgruntled state.
After Gordon leaves Hugo returns to his Theo problem. It seems that the babbling that Theo was doing were actually verses that came from a book on the Dumas family history (Theo’s people). Strange confronts the super-strong nut job and weaves a new identity for him based on some of what’s written in the book. Strange convinces Theo that they are father and son and he gives Theo a new name – Azrael. Being the nut case that he now is Theo buys the whole bag of groceries and instantly becomes Hugo’s loyal servant.
Jimbo and Bullock talk to young Bruce Wayne to let him know what’s going on with Hugo Strange, explaining that they can’t move against him because they don’t have any strong evidence. Understandably frustrated, Bruce demands that Strange pay for his crimes with his life; Gordon talks him down from that ledge. They tell Bruce that they can bring Hugo down by the book, though they’ll just need time to work on Capt. Barnes.
Back at Arkham, Hugo gives Theo a good high-tech brain washing and some new ominous looking bullet-proof duds complete with a mask and a new sword. He then sends him out into the world on a mission to kill Gordon. “My lord, I am the angel of death. James Gordon dies tonight,” Theo swears to his new master.
When Gordon, Bullock and Bruce approach Barnes about the situation, the good captain won’t even listen to Gordon until Bruce intervenes. Even after all that Barnes isn’t buying Gordon’s story about Hugo Strange bringing folks back from the dead. Then Azrael shows up looking for Jimbo and announces his intention. Shots are fired, bullets ricochet, and Barnes is attacked. Before Azrael can go to work on Gordon though Bullock shows up with a bunch of cops and start shooting. Azrael makes a hasty exit stage left. It seems his costume, which includes a flowing cape, and his acrobatics leave a strong impression on young Bruce who followed Bullock into the action. I guess in this version of the mythology that image is filed away in the boys mind for later use.
When Bruce asks Barnes what he plans to do about Azrael, the captain says he’ll hunt the armor-covered nut job down and bring him in. Bruce goes home at Barnes’ urging. Meanwhile, Azrael manages to come upon an old Galavan campaign poster. Seeing his own face on the poster appears to jog his memory slightly. He ponders it and is off again into the night.
Barnes has Jimbo held in a cell for ‘protective custody’ when Azrael jumps through the station window. Barnes and his men confront him and Azrael tells them to give up Gordon and nobody else has to die. Barnes refuses, of course, and the violence begins. (It wouldn’t be fair to apply the usual term of ass-whippings here because folks usually survive ass-whippings on this show.) Cops start falling like they were protestors assaulted at a Donald Trump rally. Gordon is released from his cell just in time for Azrael to grab him but Barnes gets in the way and unloads his 9 mm into Azrael, slowing the attacker long enough for Barnes to run up to the roof after telling Jimbo to get a bigger gun.
On the roof Barnes and Azrael tussle and Barnes manages to break Azrael’s sword with a lead pipe. He also uses the pipe to get in a few good blows on the iron-clad idiot, but alas it only goes so far. Things go south when Azrael stabs the captain with the broken sword and he goes down, but not before Azrael’s mask comes off revealing Theo’s face. Barnes is shocked and injured. Gordon shows up just then with more fire power. He sees Theo’s face as well but it doesn’t stop him from firing the shotgun. The blasts succeed in knocking Theo’s armored behind off the roof but he doesn’t die. Instead he not only survives the fall but he does so in front of live TV news crews. Now all over Gotham, folks are seeing Theo Galavan, who they thought was dead, escaping into the night after battling the cops. Among those watching are a very surprised Butch and Tabitha as well as a seemingly impressed and delighted Penguin. I guess Oswald’s looking forward, with great anticipation, to going another round with the guy who killed his beloved mother. Bruce watches it also and immediately realizes that Strange is behind Theo’s comeback.
And yes, just one more thing. Edward Nygma is now a resident of Arkham after being arrested for murder. He quickly adapts to his new surroundings and gains considerable sway over many of his fellow inmates. Ed also begins to notice how some of his fellow inmates disappear and never seem to come back. He manages to find the hidden entrance that leads to Hugo’s reanimation lab thinking it’s a way out of Arkham. Wonder what he’ll do when he finds out what’s really happening on the other side of that doorway?