5 Things Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce Abby Gets to Do That We Can’t

The national nightmare is over: Brainy, bodacious, bold and batty Abby McCarthy is back for Season 2 of Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce one of our favorite sexy and sudsy dramedies. Unlike the rest of us, Abby gets to do whatever she wants, and we can only live vicariously through her exploits.
- Abby gets to mingle with Joss Whedon at ritzy poolside parties. He doesn’t just give her a polite nod, but he is familiar with her work. It’s the dream of every geeky Firefly fan femme. Even if you’re still mad about Avengers: Age of Ultron, geek dreams are made of this.
- Abby McCarthy gets to hang out with Real Housewife of Beverly Hills Kyle Richards, which comes with perks. She probably gets discounts on caftans and pricey sunglasses at Kyle’s boutique and is invited to Kyle’s annual White Party. Best of all she gets to hobnob with Lisa Vanderpump. Maybe she even gets to binge-watch Firefly with Lisa Vanderpump. That’s a dream-come-true.
- Abby McCarthy doesn’t have to go to Starbucks when she wants to work on her laptop. Abbie gets to chill at a high-end coffee shop where the baristas probably serve her quickly and get her name right.
- Abby’s best friend is Jo, who is as nutty as a fruitcake but all kinds of wonderful. Sure, Jo just moved herself and her daughter into Abby’s home and invites strange men to move in, but in fairness to Jo, he is an attractive and randy baker, so it’s not all bad. (He probably whips up croissants for breakfast.) Most houseguests would eventually find a new place to live, not Jo. She offers to build another floor to turn your home into a BFF compound. Does your best friend do that?
- Abby gets to choose between two hashtags, #Jabby or #Wabby She can have hot, younger man Will or her quirky and lusty ex-husband, Jake. If she heads back to Vegas, she could also opt for #VictorWebsterAbby. It’s a long hashtag, but have you seen Victor Webster?
- Abby gets parting gifts. She broke poor Will’s heart, but he still gave her a fantastic farewell to remember him by if you know what I mean. I think you know what I mean.
Girfriends‘ Guide to Divorce airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on Bravo
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