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  1. This was probably the best episode of this season. What I would like to see in future episodes is for Joe to realize that everything happening and everything that happens from here on out is because he decided to do something he was told not to do. He set these wheels in motion and I don’t want Abbie and Ichabod to give him a pass. If he’s going to be in this world, he has to learn that actions have consequences.

    1. Hi Bernie, thanks for commenting! It was one of my favorite overall epsodes. I’m interested in watchng the effect on the team’s relationships. It opens up a lot of storyine opportunties for Joe, Abbie and Ichabod.

      1. I loved Ichabod in this episode, as he was closer to the Captain Crane of Tempest Fugit, and less of the clownish, slacker Crane of the past few episodes. Loved the Sophie reveal and want to see how this affects Abbie’s relationship with Danny, given her trust issues. Also, I want to see who the guy in D.C. turns out to be. I am interested to see how this all plays out. They’ve really set things up nicely.

  2. hie, long time reader and first time commenting here.. i love your thoughts and recaps of sleepy hollow!! i honestly look forward to new episdes so i can read your recaps, they are sooo funny!

  3. Haven’t watched the episode yet (I read recaps first to determine the level of F**kery. But points 20 down had me dying with laughter. Thanks Mrs. TvRecapper!

  4. “…Ah, and Corbin tells Crane to take his own advice. Corbin is shipping Ichabbie.”
    He is TOTALLY shipping Ichabbie! Well, if we can’t have Captain Trollando, I’m fine with Captain Joenny.

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