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  1. So does Crane work at the historical society or not? He introduced himself on Bones as being from historical society and Howe’s remains were being shipped to historical society. There must be an answer.

    1. Hi Nancy! In “The Sisters Mills,” the teacher referred to him as the “surprise guest speaker” and the curator of the new Hudson Valley Historical Society, but the preceding scene with Jenny implied that it was a ruse so they could get into a classroom. We haven’t seen any evidence of gainful employment, he needs to sell Katrina’s necklace so he can buy Windex and spring for dates.

      1. I know it was a ruse in last week’s episode but when they referenced it again and shipping Howe’s body to Historical Society it made me wonder. Can he make arrangements for Howe’s body to be shipped to Historical Society? I wish they would just drop a couple lines showing he has a job. I mean you can’t have the guy dating without cash. You think Crexta gone by mid –season finale?

        1. The writers need to make it clear whether he is a curator, a consultant or a househusband. I can’t figure Zoe out, they write her as too much of a goofball to be a viable love interest, the show doesn’t need the comic-relief. My crystal ball says she’s a sheep in wolf’s clothing, if that’s the case they might just let her annoy everyone until the mid-season finale and then give her the duh-duh-duh cliffhanger. At this point, she has more potential relevancy than poor Betsy; what do you think?

          1. I’m hoping she’s revealed as Pandora in a scene where Zoe transforms into Pandora. The only good thing I can say about poor Betsy is that she looks to stay in the past. Pray God

  2. Love your thoughts, can’t wait to see your full recaps. You have joined my favorite recappers along the Genevive Valentine and Kim Roots.

    I want to find out there’s something to Zoe, that she’s a plant and it’s her job to keep a close eye on Ichabod. It’s supposed to be cute, but I’m getting too much stalker vibe to find it cute.

    1. Hi Bernie, thanks so much for the tremendous compliment! Agreed and Ichabod has to be under a spell. If he gets kidnapped he only hs himself to blame.

      1. I understand slow burns and obstacles to the Ichabbie endgame, but Zoe just seems so young, like a freshman with a crush on her cute professor.
        I’ve tried to give Betsy a chance but it’s just not working for me. It started with the corset, the awkward kisses, the anachronistic speech patterns and it’s gone downhill from there. At least Katrina was part of the original story and had a point. Betsy can’t even make that claim.

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